Posted in Challenges

Blogtober-Blogging Essentials

Blogtober Day who-even-knows, a day to share what I think is essential to run a blog smoothly during autumn (and the rest of the year, let’s be honest)

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Thank you Jenniely for the Blogtober prompts!

Aside from that completely essential Elle Woods quote, here are a few things that have kept me blogging for over a year now:.

Coffee or Drink of choice

Resultado de imagen para coffee gifI use this to get in the mood for writing posts, I’ll sit down and have about fifty tabs open at the same time but when I have my coffee in hand I know I have to write something. It’s a little trick to enforce good habits that I read online once and stuck with me, associate your task with something you enjoy.


When reading a physical copy of a book I always have these at hand, in multiple colors. I have to make notes as I read so that I can more easily remember plotlines and such along the story and this way I avoid actually writing on the margins (which I’d rather not do) Color-coding also helps me see at a glance the feelings I had as I read.

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Notes’ App

Whatever app you choose this is a must-have for any blogger. Sometimes you’ll get a fantastic idea for a post that you know you are gonna forget in five minutes so, although you may not have pen and paper at hand, we usually keep our phones close. Write down everything and anything that comes to mind! You can clean out the rubbish ideas later.

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My lord and saviour: The Schedule feature

Imagen relacionadaYou can blog just fine without this but I’d literally die, especially with this Blogtober thing. I write posts as far as a month in advance and just have them scheduled through out. This is specially useful for those times when migraines start acting up and I can’t function, my blog can keep going!


Resultado de imagen para wordreferenceFor all my fellow non-native-English-speaker blogger out there. This website is the best thing to ever happen to me. It’s basically a translator but it recognizes that same words may have different meanings and acts accordingly. You have all the possible translations from one language to another, accompanied by helpful examples. I use this a lot when writing my posts.


Resultado de imagen para twitter gifThis is a double-edged sword and I think we all know it. On one hand it’s the most appealing distraction I have on my tabs, on the other hand it’s the best place to meet other bloggers and share ideas and have fun (also good to connect with authors!). So, while I feel like it is essential to blogging it should be taken in small doses so that I don’t end up tweeting about books instead of writing the actual posts.

What are some things you couldn’t blog without?


Book lover and hockey goalie from Argentina. Trying to figure life out

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