Posted in Weekly

BBHop-That’s a classic

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted Writer

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:.

Do you read classics? If so, what is your favorite?

Very rearely, I don’t know why but the mood for classic literature is rare

My favorite, and one I’ve talked about a lot in this blog is The Symposium by Plato. Even if you are not much opf a fan of greek philosophy you can enjoy this book.-

This week I hopped to:

Did you know that we are in NaNoWriMo? If you are like me and trudging through putting down words every day then I recommend check out NovelKnight’s tips for surviving NaNo, from one writer to another

Hannah has a really interesting discussion post about how we show immaturity on YA, or how we avoid it. She has some great points and some of my favorite writers are quoted.

Jenny has a post on what she wishes non-bloggers knew, based in comment she’s gotten that go from annoying to straight up rude. The post also demystifies some beliefs people have about blogging as a career.

Posted in Weekly

BBH·Book adaptations

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted WriterBook Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:.

What’s your favorite horror book-to-movie adaptation?

I’m crossing out horror because I literally never watch horror movies

I don’t know if it’ll be the best but I’m super excited for the Grishaverse adaptation!

Is it only because of the female cast? YES, these girls would get me to watch anything

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This week I hopped to:

To keep on the grishaverse theme AND halloween, I want to share with all of you some designs for Six of Crows’ opera “The Komedy Brute” done by fantastic artist frauke. Their entire blog is a thing of beauty and I’d totally wear these costumes if they were real

But if you are looking for something scary then head on to Light of the bookworm‘s post about the 5 scariest things about books. I promise you’ll love it.

Posted in Weekly

BBH·Getting in the (SPOOKY) mood

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted WriterBook Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:. 

Name one book that gets you in the mood for Halloween. 

I have one that I’m planning on re-reading on Halloween (since it’s short enough I can read it cover to cover in one day) and it’s just THE Halloween book

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Set in the most haunted city I’ve ever visited and with a protagonist that can see and interact with ghosts and their world, what else could you want?

This week I hopped to:

First I want you all to check out the hashtag #AzulForDarcy It’s a tag that promotes Laura Taylor Namey‘s new book The Library of Lost Things and it was made by the Latinx Squad (a bunch of latinx booklovers on twitter whose main goal is to boost each other’s work!) basically a lot of wonderful people rocking the color blue

If you wanna get in that sweet autumn mood then I have just the thing for you: Kristin has a post on fall recs and they are each better than the last (I’m personally adding at least half of this to my TBR)Imagen relacionada

Now, we’re getting into the very last part of the year but there’s still a bunch of books comming out and the best way to support them, as always, is to preorder. If you wanna feel the instant reward of having helped an author you might be interested on Preorder Incentives! I always enjoy getting those, it’s like a little thank you gift from the author

I know September is over but it’s never a bad time to add more latinx authors to your TBR and also some queer authors if you have the space! For all your diverse need you can head over to Ben’s great post of 10 Books 10 Books for the Overlap of Latinx Heritage and LGBTQ History Months (Of course check out the entire blog while you are there!)

Posted in Weekly

Book Blogger Hop·I need to have it

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted Writer

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:.

Have you ever read a library book you loved SO much, you just HAD to own it, so you bought a copy for yourself after returning the library book you had already finished?

This question is similar to the other week’s TTT so just refer to that post and you’ll have not one but ten answers

This week I hopped to:

Sohinee @PoesyInChrysalis shares 8 habits that will change your reading life and help you read faster! something really useful for those of us that have giant TBRs and too little reading time… send help I especially liked the positive way they frame their advice!

Then Marie @DrizzleAndHurricaneBooks made a post recc’ing books based on your favorite TV shows, so if your season is already over head over to their blog and pick up a similar YA book!

AND if you are like me and have almost no money then Shealea @ShutUpShealea has the post for you with quick kindle steals, kindle books that are 2.99$ or less all some kind of diverse read! I love these kinds of posts and I recommend that you follow for more updates

Posted in Weekly

Book Blogger Hop·The gift that keeps on giving

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted Writer

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:

What would you give as a birthday gift to a fellow book lover?

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Other than a book?? Probably a giftcard for their favorite bookstore (I know this because I’ve done it before), that way they can get exactly the book they want, and maybe a couple more

This week I hopped to:

Though twitter I found this great post from Light Of The Bookworm where they’ve put together a bookblogger starter kit, it’s really funy and they are all things every bookblogger has (don’t try to deny it)

Marie @DrizzleAndHurricane made a list of the best friendships on YA, so if you are like me and love a good friendship then head over there

And Cande from LatinxMagicBk has started a series for Latinx Heritage Month where she recs latinx books, the first post of Con Amor centers on foodie romances and I’m already hungry…

Posted in Weekly

Book Blogger Hop-The same but different

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted Writer

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:.

Have you ever enjoyed the same book in two or more formats?

For example, print and ebook, print and audiobook, ebook and audiobook, or all three?

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YES! I’m a big fan of doing this! I have two very good examples:

  1. A Darker Shade of Magic, I bought this one in Spanish paperback and started reading it like that, then one day I forgot it home but wanted to keep reading so I bought it on Kindle (in English) I liked the writing much better like that so I finished the book on my kindle although I had the physical copy at hand
  2. One of my favorite books is The Name of the Wind but I don’t actually own the book. One of my uncles lent it to me a while ago and that’s how I read it. I wanted to re-read it a few times and instead of buying my own physical copy I decided to get the audiobook and I enjoyed re-visiting the story in that new format instead!

This week I hopped to:

Fadwa hosted an amazing discussion post by Rvkayah about how it was like to grow up without diverse books. We all love to talk about how important diversity is and how happy we are that there is so much more color now but this is a look back, at how things used to be.

Taasia @Librae Paints Pages did a vert interesting post about why bookstagram may not be for everybody and I agree with all of the points, so you may want to give it a look as well.,

Posted in Weekly

Book Blogger Hop·Histo-what

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted Writer

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:.

Do you read historical fiction?

Sometimes. It has to be a really interesting book and/or come highly recommended for me to try it but I do pick them up from time to time

This week I hopped to:

As you saw the other day, I did a Hadestown book tag and that one came from a blog called Readers, Rambles & Reviews, they have a fantastic blog with really diverse content, not only books, so I recommend giving it a look!

Another blog I hopped to is a usual of mine that came up with an unusual post: Book song parodies. Perfectly Tolerable is an amazing blog and Brittany has made a compilation of all kinds of musical parodies found on youtube for you enjoyment

Finally, The Bibliophagist just posted their Anything But Books tag and it’s great so everyone should go see it

Posted in Weekly

BBH·I love it, I want seven

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted Writer

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:.

Do you own more than one copy of a book?

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Yes, usually it’s because I want different formats for different moments. One time I forgot my physical copy of A Darker Shade of Magic at home and decided to just buy it on my kindle (I had a really long day ahead of me, okay?). I also own two hardcovers of Alice in Wonderland because I love that book and the illustrations were just too pretty to ignore-

This week I hopped to:

If you are looking to buy one book, or seven, then let me direct you to the best recs list I’ve seen this month! Taasia @libraepaintspages has over 50 YA books to read this summer/winter and they all look amazing

You know what’s hard? Getting physical books in the original language, because I live in the literal end of the world and we either don’t get the books or they are so expensive I end up buying everything on Amazon. This is just one of the struggles international readers face but Marie @DrizzleAndHurricaneBooks has put together a fantastic post about how we can all support international book bloggers and show our appretiation!

Posted in Weekly

BBH·Always with me

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted Writer

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

Do you always have a book with you?

Imagen relacionada

No matter where I’m going, my kindle is always in my bag (you never know when you’ll have a few minutes of free time) and if I’m going somewhere I can’t use technology (like the bank or some oficial building) I make sure to carry a physical book as well 

This week I hopped to:

Isobel’s Book Corner has some highly anticipated upcoming releases that I’d love to take with me, great authors with great covers (you know I’m weak for pretty covers) It’s quite a young blog so you should definitely go and show them some love!

You know something I’d like to carry along way more often? Different settings! Last weeks’ Top Ten Tuesday was all about which ones we’d like to see more of in YA fantasy and Hannah @Books, Life & Other Oddities has the perfect list. If you are writing or want to write a book and are not sure of the setting just pick one from this list and I’ll be guaranteed to read it

The Third Annual 2019 Book Blogger Awards are taking place right now! You have until July 31 to place your votes. This a great way to boost your favorite bloggers and discover new ones!

Posted in Weekly

Book Blogger Hop·Self Titled

About the Book Blogger Hop by Coffee Adicted Writer

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, I relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

This week’s question:.

If you were to write your own autobiography, what would the title be?

…I have never actually thought about that, but I’m picking:


This week I hopped to:

Cande from Latinx Magic BK shares with us all the queer novellas she’s been reading on her Novellas A Ton post. These are all great recommendations if you are looking for something short and sweet. You should also definitely follow her on twitter, you get gems like the One Day at a Time brlub Latinx Books

Kerri the Book Belle also has great recs on the July TBR she’s made for the 30 day book challenge. Although she’s like me and makes TBRs that will most likely forgotten for whatever else catches my eye… make sure to see this blog! it has really pretty graphics