Posted in Ramblings

Dissapionted about GoT? Here are some (bookish) alternatives

(Aside from Tolkien, because that's an obvious choice for any fantasy)

I have to admit that I don’t watch Game of Thrones, what I do is spend any amount of time on social media, which is basically the same thing

And the first thing I saw today was how utterly dissapointing that finale was, well

Resultado de imagen para i can fix that gif

Or rather, authors can fix that. Here’s my list of recomendations for all Got fans who want more satisfying story arcs, more magic and specially more rep

Resultado de imagen para game of thrones booksStarting with the pbvious: The Game of Thrones books by GRR Martin. The series separated from the book a long time ago and it’s probable that all the things you enjoyed from the show were actually taken from these. So I recommend giving this a try


Maybe you’ve already read those, or you have lost faith in the story. Whatever the reason, I have for you another series of long books about royalty, dragons and magic! One that’s in my personal favorites: The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini

Resultado de imagen para eragon covers

39878322In some cases books as long and complicated as those are just not your thing, but you still love tales of magic and kings and epic fights. What if you could have all the fun in short stories with non-binary and all around queer characters? Look no further! I bring you a compilation of fary-tale retelling with really great lgbt+ representation that also uses neo-pronouns. No man of Woman Born by Ana Maroll


36492488If your favorite character was Arya, and you need more of girls taking charge of things and fighting against the world so she and her people can survive (plus a prince forced by his father to kill and opress everyone) then I’ve got your pick: We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal


Following the obvious line of bad rulers+Dragons but make it queer I’ve got one that I’ve mentioned on the blog quite a lot and that is The Dragori by Ben AldersonResultado de imagen para the dragori ben alderson all covers

38205707Now, we all know monarchies don’t work and corruption coupled with willful ignorance is the rule in fantasy kingsdoms. Here I bring you a story of a princess accused of killing her own father, who must escape the palace and the world she knows to save her life, in the way she realizes that her life isn’t the only thing that’s gone to shit and resolves to find her father’s murderer and save her country. I’m pretty sure this was marketed as an Anastasia retelling but I can’t find the source so take my word for it and go read Blood Heir by Amélie Wen Zhao


If you enjoyed the drama, with the plotting and intrigue of the court along a healthy amount of assasinations and battles (plus gratitous nudity), but want a main gay couple that doesn’t die shortly after being introduced; then give a look at Captive Prince by CS Pacat Imagen relacionada((It does have some trigger warnings so watch out for that))

36307634And last but not least, a tale of a returned king who is trying to save his country from colapsing under the weigh of its past while he himself tried to hide his own history at all costs. We have a familiar author take us back to her wonderful world of magic and russian inspired fantasy: Leigh Bardugo with her last book King of Scars


And that’s all I have for you all!

If you like any of these or you have some other recommendations, then leave them in the comments so others can see


Book lover and hockey goalie from Argentina. Trying to figure life out

6 thoughts on “Dissapionted about GoT? Here are some (bookish) alternatives

  1. I think I’m one of the only people who doesn’t watch Game of Thrones, but some of my closest friends do, so I feel like I’ve watched this past season from all of their complaining, haha. I’m thinking about started the A Song of Ice and Fire series, but the page length on some of the books is DAUNTING. It would take me FOREVER to get through them. I’ve never read the Inheritance Cycle, but my cousin has and he loved them. I do own Eragon, and have wanted to read it for a while now. Also, SUPER excited for Blood Heir to finally be released.

    Long story short, GREAT post 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 😁
      I’ve read both but got took me a while, I was reading something else along so I read them in two years.
      If you have to choose then my recommendation is Eragon

      Liked by 1 person

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